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Trevi Cornelius Bottom Foot Plate Boot Combo #7FCCOMBOLXR

Trevi Cornelius Bottom Foot Plate Boot Combo #7FCCOMBOLXR
Trevi Cornelius Bottom Foot Plate Boot Combo #7FCCOMBOLXRTrevi Cornelius Bottom Foot Plate Boot Combo #7FCCOMBOLXR

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Retail: $38.98
Sunny's Price: $35.00

Product Information

Trevi Cornelius Bottom Foot Plate Boot Combo #7FCCOMBOLXR

An above-ground pool foot collar is a circular support piece that fits around the base of each pool upright, securing it to the bottom track and helping distribute weight evenly. This collar enhances the stability of the pool structure by anchoring the uprights, which is essential for maintaining the pool’s shape and preventing shifting.

  • This is she bottom boot plate assembly for various Trevi pools
  • Used specifically on round pools and rounded ends of oval pools
  • This boot cap is beige in color

Used in the following pool models

  • Trevi Cornelius Capri, Dubai Pool


Stock Level5

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