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Spec Chem 4 Month Algecide

Spec Chem 4 Month Algecide

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Retail: $30.36
Sunny's Price: $29.98

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Product Information



4 Month Algaecide by Spec Chem This product is especially made to control algae growth in all types of swimming pools. Water treated with this product can be used immediately - NO WAITING. It's long lasting action controls existing algae and maintenance dosages control algae regrowth. This product will not cause water to foam and will not alter the pH or chlorine of the water.his product is especially made to control algae growth in all types of swimming pools.

  • Water treated with this product can be used immediately - NO WAITING.
  • It's long lasting action controls existing algae and maintenance dosages control algae regrowth.
  • This product will not cause water to foam and will not alter the pH or chlorine of the water.
  • Prevents all types of algae blooms
  • Superior concentrated Formula

Directions for use:

This product is concentrated. Mix the correct amount of this product with one (1) gallon of water and distribute around the edge of the pool. Apply the initial treatment dosage to a freshly filled pool or at first visible signs of algae. Thereafter, apply maintenance dose every two (2) weeks.


Initial Treatment :

  • Mix with one gallon of water, 2 ounce of this product per 5,000 gallons of water to be treated.

Maintenance Dosage:

  • Mix with one gallon of water, 1 ounceof this product per 5,000 gallons of water to be treated


Product Code500

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