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Phosphate 9,000 Remover ( Formally Staver X )

Phosphate 9,000 Remover ( Formally Staver X )

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Retail: $56.32
Sunny's Price: $44.98

Product Information


Phosphate 9,000 ( formally Starver X ) removes phosphates up to 9,000ppb in 10,000 gallons 


Phosphates are a key nutrient in swimming pools for algae growth.  In other words they are a cheeseburger for algae.  Eliminate the food source and you will increase your odds of an algae free pool. Fighting to stay on top of high phosphate levels often times takes a consistent approach since they are consistently being introduced into your pool through avenues such as CITY FILL WATER, WELL WATER, ORGANIC MATERIAL SUCH AS LEAVES, HUMAN BODY WASTE, FERTILIZERS, STAIN REMOVAL PRODUCTS and more.


You can test for phosphates with most test kits maxing out at 1,000 – 2,500 parts per billion (ppb). Through decades of research, it has been observed that phosphate levels vary to an ENORMOUS DEGREE.  For example, it is NOT uncommon in a lab to test pool water that ranges from 20,000 ppb all the way up to 50,000 ppb when that very same pool water only reads 1,000 ppb on your test kit.  The problem is today’s pool test kits max out at 1,000 ppb – 2,500 ppb. So, what happens when your test kit maxes out at a reading of 1,000 ppb but the reality is a true phosphate reading of 15,000 ppb?  This very scenario occurs constantly and causes confusion for whomever is treating phosphates.  So, today’s test kits are excellent at informing you of the presence of phosphates and the inaccuracy lies in the ACTUAL phosphate level.


There are a couple schools of thought when it comes to phosphate removal. There is the NUKE IT philosophy where you use an extremely strong phosphate remover a quart, or sometimes more, at a time. There is also the STEADY approach where consistent weekly dosing is used to bind and slowly eliminate phosphates over time. The thought behind this approach is that the problem did not present itself overnight and you will not fix it overnight. Both approaches are implemented all the time with different degrees of success. Attempting to eliminate ALL phosphate at one time with traditional phosphate removers can sometimes lead to more problems than you had to begin with like severe pool clouding, spikes in filter pressure and lots of vacuuming. Putting you pool on a weekly program using a phosphate remover that removes very low levels of phosphates can often leave the user feeling like they are getting nowhere.

Step 1)

Shake well before use.

Step 2)

Apply one qt of phosphate 9,000 to 10,000 gallons of water to remove 9,000 ppm of phosphates (or applicable dosage application Ex) 20,000 equals 4,500 ppm). Distribute products over a wide area of the pool. See guide for alternative dosage. Okay to swim immediately after use.

Step 3)

Operate filter system for 24 hours after addition of product. Monitor the filter pressure and backwash or clean filter if pressure increases above the manufacture’s specifications for cleaning.

Step 4)

Repeat step 3 every 24 hours until the recommended phosphate level is reached.

Step 5)

If cloudiness persists after 24 hours add in a bit of Spec Chem Blue 10,000 clarifier to help trap leftover particles

Step 6)

Maintenance application. Apply 1 oz of product to 5,000 gallons of pool water weekly. Repeat as necessary to control and reduce phosphate levels.



Dosage Guide for a 10,000 Gallon Pool

Phosphates (ppb)





Phosphate 9000®

1 oz.

4 oz.

12 oz.

32 oz.


Product CodeSpec 200
Stock Level10

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