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Spec chem ONE

Spec chem ONE

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Retail: $29.89
Sunny's Price: $24.98

Product Information



Spec Chem One is a new new pool water maintenance product called ONE, a three-in-one solution that treats swimming pool water by removing phosphates to prevent oil and scum line buildup and also sequesters metals in order to provide the cleanest, clearest water. Great for opening and closing pools, this environmentally friendly formula is compatible with all sanitizer systems. Easy to use, swimmers can enter the pool water immediately after treatment,

  • Three-in-one pool water maintenance product
    1. Removes phosphates
    2. Prevents oil and scum line build up
    3. Metal and stain sequestering agent.
  • Great for opening and closing pools
  • Compatible with all sanitizer systems.

Directions for use:

Add directly around the edge of the pool. Apply the initial treatment dosage to a freshly filled pool or at first visible signs of hazy water Thereafter, apply maintenance dose every week.


Maintance Dose

  • 4 ounces of this product per 10,000 gallons of water

Initial Dose

  • 16 - 24 ounces per 10,000 gallons of water

Product CodeSPEWXJLN44
Stock Level1

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