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Poolife NST Prime Tablets (Non Stabilized)

Poolife NST Prime Tablets (Non Stabilized)
Poolife NST Prime Tablets (Non Stabilized)Poolife NST Prime Tablets (Non Stabilized)Poolife NST Prime Tablets (Non Stabilized)Poolife NST Prime Tablets (Non Stabilized)Poolife NST Prime Tablets (Non Stabilized)

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Product Information

Poolife NST Extended Release Tablets (Non Stabilized)

Product Details

Poolife Exclusive Pool Care Collection NST Extended Release Tablets are an alternative to 3" Tablets and does not contain cyanruic acid. Perfect for use in a skimmer, this product will destroy bacteria and other organic contaminants without over stabilizing your pool or adding additional Cyanruic Acid to your water. Each long lasting tablet will continuosly sanitize your pool in the skimmer for up to one week. This product is an innovative, patented technology that provides long lasting, slow dissolving clorination. Its compariable for use with pools equipped with salt chlorine generators to help maintain the proper sanitization level. NST Tablets are only to be used in the skimmer. DO NOT PLACE IN FLOATING FEEDERS OR INLINE/OFFLINE CHLORINATORS.

Products Benefits

  • Does not contain cyanruic acid
  • Will not over stabilize water
  • Will continuosly sanitize your pool in the skimmer for up to one week
  • Tablet is compatible with chlorine, salt generators, ozone and mineral systems.
  • Slower dissolving formula

Routine Chlorination, Maintenance, and Dosage

  • 1 tablet per 10,000 gallons of water per week or as need to maintain chlorine level of 1-4 ppm
  • The dosage may vary depending upon bather load, water temperature, water volume and other conditions
  • Pool should not be entered until the chlorine residual is 1-4 ppm as measured
  • As a preventative treatment, you should shock treat the pool with a shock product weekly to burn out organic material and to keep water sparkling clear.

Shock Treatment

Always use Poolife Exclusive Pool Care Collection Shock products for regular shock treatment. Additional shocking to keep water clean and clear is recommended after wind and heavy rain, high number of swimmers, increased water temperature, and or increased pool usage. Poolife Exclusive Pool Care Quick Swim Oxidizer is recommended for use in congunction with NST Tablets.

Directions for Use

For best results use only in pools with a skimmer basket. Do not allow this product to get wet before use. Do not allow this product to mix directly with any other water balancing or sanitizer products. Make sure the skimmer is completely free of any other water treatment products before adding tablet.

  • DO NOT add product to floaters or feeders 
  • DO NOT allow product to contact other water treatment products
  • Skimmer basket should be free of all other water treatment productsbefore adding recommended amount of this product
  • DO NOT throw tablets directly into pool
  • DO NOT use with any other tablets or sticks in the same skimmer
  • DO NOT premix this product

Water Balancing

To provide optimum product performance, swimmer comfort and crystal-clear water always maintain Ph from 7.2 to 7.6, total alkalinity from 80 to 120 parts per million (ppm) and calcium hardness above 200 ppm. Test frequently making sure the necessary adjustments are made accordingly

Opening Your Pool

Balance pool water, shock treat, or super chlorinate with a Poolife Exclusive Pool Care Shock Product Such as Turbo Shock, Clean Shock, or Quick Swim Oxidizer


  • Calcium Hypochlorite: 70.2%
  • Other Ingredients: 29.8%

























Product Code22420 : 22425 : 22423 : 22424 : 22427
ManufacturerSigura Innovative Water Care
Stock Level10 - 20

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